10-9-2018 LONDON (Reuters) – Mental health disorders are on the rise in every country in the world and could cost the global economy up to $16 trillion between 2010 and 2030,
which raises a question.

Why are we the only life form on the planet that destroys itself?




The answer…




When you synthesize yesterday’s theology with today’s psychology you discover…
There is an Order to Life.
(A system for living.)



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Your Guide to…A Better Way of Thinking

If your answer is “yes!” why not enjoy all of the benefits of this life-changing strategy, which you can have, right here, right now…by making it yours.

Words to Live By

When life is challenged by its environment, it finds another way

The sun’s rays do not burn until they are brought to a focus

Keeping the faith is much easier, when you keep the chatter…out-of-your-head

There are many ways you can think; only one way works